Project Details
New Zealand Housing Foundation
This subdivision development comprises a 33-residential lot subdivision, two access lots (one private loop road serving the entire development, and one shorter access serving four dwellings), and a reserve.
The project involved:
- sediment and erosion control,
- 1,650m3 bulk earthworks, clearing and enabling works,
- right-of-way construction, kerbs and channel,
- approx 250m stormwater installation (300mm and 375mm class 4(Z) RCRRJ pipes, 2.5m deep), 1050 dia manholes x 9 up to 3m deep plus connections and cesspits,
- 185m wastewater 150mm uPVC pipes up to 2.5m deep, manholes x 8 up to 3m deep including connections and wastewater pump,
- 280m water reticulation 125 dia PE100, plus fittings and valves,
- Connections to lots and existing system.