Project Details
Davie Lovell-Smith
Site remediation works involved the construction of a new first flush basin, (to fill and decant water during significant storm events) and remediation of existing first flush basins (to remove buildup of silts which lowered the infiltration rate) and existing outlet orifice, (leaking water). The new infiltration beds consist of 100mm mix of sandy topsoil loam on top of a sand bed.
The Earthworks included:
- Earthworks for berm contouring, including engineered and non-engineered filling, drainage, swales and reserve
- Construction of stormwater piping, soakage systems and associated structures
- Construction of nib kerb
- Remediation to outlet (to remedy leaking of water through the sides and underneath the plate – gaps along the edge and most of the bottom were closed off to reduce the flow rate out of the basin)