Spread of good works recognised
September 2, 2015
News & Media
At the Waikato Regional Council Awards, Schick has been awarded the Erosion and Sediment Control Special Recognition Award for outstanding company approach and commitment to erosion and sediment controls
The increasing spread of excellent earthworks in the Waikato region has been recognised at an awards ceremony today by the regional council with a series of new special awards for great practices. Poor earthworks practices can result in erosion, damage to productive land and contamination of waterways.
As part of its work with the earthworks industry to ensure environmentally friendly practices, the council has in recent years handed out annual awards for the best sites. But council chairperson Paula Southgate, who attended the ceremony, said standards had been rising so much that the council introduced the new “special recognition” awards. “It’s great to see such strong buy in from the industry to lifting their performance bar. The council really appreciates the efforts being made.
“So we’re not only recognising those companies that strive to achieve great results on larger projects. We’re also highlighting those companies that are consistently striving to achieve great outcomes generally.”

News & Media

Coastal View Retirement Village Project
Schick’s Nelson team have been working on the development of the Coastal View Retirement Village, a ‘new generation retirement village’ in Nelson since January 2020.

Ruakura Spine Road Project
This major transport project borders the Ruakura Superhub, and once complete will be a key connection from the Waikato Expressway to Ruakura and existing city roads.

Acland Park Project
Once complete, the property development project will have 888 sections available to house approximately 2,200 people. Schick is contributing to work on 172 of these sections in stages 11 and 13 to 16.