Project Case Studies
Read case studies on our recent projects

Te Awa Lakes Community Development Project
Once complete, the 100-hectare masterplan will feature 2500 new dwellings and will also be home

Coastal View Retirement Village Project
Schick’s Nelson team have been working on the development of the Coastal View Retirement Village,

Ruakura Spine Road Project
This major transport project borders the Ruakura Superhub, and once complete will be a key

Acland Park Project
Once complete, the property development project will have 888 sections available to house approximately 2,200

Ngongotahā Roundabout Improvements
The upgrade work completed by Schick provided a safer intersection and better traffic flow for

Dixon Road Roundabout Project
The new roundabout not only acts as a gateway into the new neighbourhood of Peacocke,

Worsley Farm Basin $144,000
Site remediation (earthworks) of the stormwater system at Westmorland

Summerset Village Civil Works Dixon Road $5m
Earthworks to form villa pads ready to receive construction of multiple residential units

Rototuna Town Centre Stage 3 Physical Works $1.4m
Formation of drain profile to create linear wetlands and stormwater drain system

Enhanced Pond System Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant $720,000
Construction of various ponds to create enhanced waste water treatment system

Dixon Homes Residential Development $5m
Staged bulk earthworks for section shaping and civil infrastructure installation

Victoria On The River
From derelict carparking building, to impressive amphitheatre in the heart of Hamilton CDB overlooking the

Waikato River Path Remedials $1.5m
Stabilisation and remediation of slipped and unstable river walkway path and bank

Tetra Pak Melody Lane Waikato Innovation Park Ruakura $698,000
Site clearance, excavation and backfill to form building platform, new roading and carpark

Hamilton West School Asphalt and Drainage Remediation $212,000
Remediation of existing asphalt surfaced hard courts, access entrance and associated drainage

Brownlee Street Carpark and Toilet Facilities $94,000
Carpark upgrade (sealed) and toilet installation in Brownlee Ave Carpark, Ngaruawahia

Sawyer Arms Road Civil Works $951,000
Civil works to form road, kerb and channel, and footpath

Christchurch Women’s Hospital Enabling Works $7.1m
Development of design intent for significant serviced infrastructure for the Acute Services Building

The Base Infrastructure Works $7m
Multiple staged civil infrastructure constructed to service The Base shopping centre development

Mainfreight Terminal $4.3m
Earthworks, Drainage and Roading contract for the Mainfreight Terminal in Ruffell Road, Hamilton

Dixon Road Pump Station
Construction of new pump station to multiple land developments in the catchment area

Trent Street Subdivision $890,000
Civil works for a subdivision development creating 33 residential lots in Avondale, Auckland

Don Buck Road $4.5m
Civil infrastructure works for a subdivision development covering 5.3ha

Scott Point Civil Construction Works $7.5m (current)
Civil works for a subdivision development creating 253 residential lots in Hobsonville.

Rippindale Subdivision $1.9m
Civil engineering infrastructure and services for 32 lot residential subdivision in Hamner Springs

Awatea Park Subdivision $1.6m
Civil works for stage 1 development comprising 118 residential lots in Awatea Road

Teafield Subdivision $7.1m
Civil Works for a 152 lot residential subdivision development, Borman Road, Hamilton

Dixon Road Developments $7m+
Schick has delivered the civil works for various residential subdivision developments in Dixon Road since

SH1-5 Tirau Intersection Improvements $3.3m (complete)
Construction of a 60m diameter four-leg roundabout for NZTA.